When Is it Safe for Baby to Eat Berries?

Figuring out what kinds of foods your baby likes to eat and which ones she absolutely can’t stand can be something of a challenge. It can take several tries before your baby knows whether or not she likes a particular food. In addition, there are some foods that babies seem to be prone to having …

Getting Baby to Try New Foods

One of the more exciting things about watching your baby grow and develop is to witness that transition from only taking formula or breast milk to trying all sorts of new foods. Getting baby to try new foods can be an important milestone in your baby’s early life. Still, it can be somewhat frustrating when …

Monitoring the Fat in Baby’s Food

We all want our children to be as healthy and happy as possible. We also know that childhood obesity has reached epidemic levels in this country, and that lifestyle changes and dietary changes are important if we’re going to give our baby the best chance of living a healthy life within a normal weight range. …

Should My Baby Take Vitamins?

During those first few months of life, breast milk or formula are going to give your baby everything that he needs, in terms of nutrients, to grow and develop the way that he needs to. That being said, after those first four to six months, your baby’s diet is going to change gradually. It’s going …